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Tuesday 3 February 2015

The Task Based Language Learning

Language is a very easy and dynamic medium to express thoughts, interact and communicate. It joins one human with other. It has its own nature and structure. Every language is quite different from other language although they all are sharing same roots.
Language has played notable part in the development in the society, culture and human race as a whole. Now days it is necessary to learn different languages other than mother tongue. As each language has various structure and dynamic nature, language learner has to work hard for learning of languages.
For Indian students English is second language. It has been taught in various ways. The language learning process is centered with the grammar, context, cultural traces and structure and usage. To develop the competency there is often use of the pedagogy which is task based takes place in TBL earlier this methodology is known as Experimental learning, Discovery learning, Activity Based Approach etc.
According to Kim, Mei and Yujing (2000) through playing game student can learn the second language .i.e. English as the same way as their mother language, without being conscious. While Wright notes that this kind of learning pedagogy help teacher to provide an atmosphere to the learner to clarify the meaning and contextual connotation of the language.
In this methodology the usage of the language is encountered and the form of the language is substitutional.
Rather than other pedagogies task determines the involvements of both teacher and learner. The participants in the ‘task’ are the basic platform for the task itself.   In simple term ‘task’ is a classroom activity which centered the student and control by the teacher. TBL grows out of more general notion of communicative language teaching. But due to this, students develop classroom dialects’ and it has been shifted to ‘relatively law language development.’
Some other researchers believes that communicative language is the driving force for he language acquisition. We need to focus at some point on language form if acquisition is to be maximally efficient.
TBL has its roots in ‘Communicative Language Teaching’. In sharpened the awareness of the learners’ need towards the usage of the target language. To achieve the goal of the effective communication, ‘task Based language learning’ has certain objective. They are:
                       1.     Need Analysis
                       2.     Classroom Interaction
                       3.     Usage of Target Language
                       4.     Keep the source of internet.
                       5.     Active Participation
                       6.   Good monitoring by Instructors

Designing of the Task:
There are four elements of Language Learning.  i) Aim
                                                                    ii) Content
                                                              iii) Methodology &
                                                                 iv)  Evaluation
 The designing covers the aims, decides the content, plan the method and succeed in the evaluation. It provides –
a)     A clear formed task based on the appropriateness to the aims.
b)    A direction & well- planned pedagogy to get involved- for students, to follow- for teachers.
c)     And the better evaluation of the learners’ capability and readiness to learn.
 There are two types of tasks, takes place in the class room:

A] Communicative or target –Based Tasks
B] Meta communicative or Learning Tasks

As designing of the task was the psycholinguistic and educational accounts of the language learning task, always focus on the drilling of the language acquisition. Krashen’s views are very important in this Designing. He says-

“Language was best acquired through the learner’s focus meaning in the input provided to the learner”

It boosts up the active socio cultural usage of language rather than bookish learning. So the designing of the two types of the ‘Task’ is given below.

A] Communicative or target –Based Tasks
In this task learners shared meaning in the target language about everyday tasks.
For example:  In one language department after completion of every unit quiz is there to appear in. It maps the learners’ objective correlative as well as comprehension skill in the target language.

B] Meta communicative or Learning Tasks
These tasks also called the pedagogical tasks. In this task learners are inspired to find out their own learning process and follow it in a strategically.
For example: In one language learning session online material is provided. The task is that they have to learn it and prepare questions from it for other learners in the same class.

These two types of tasks are language centric and aims to imrove the communicative competence as a part of CLT. But while designing the task one must not forget the aims, socio cultural background, psychoanalytic language competence and class room atmosphere are some factors which affect the learning strategy as well as the designing of the tasks.
TBL & language Learning
TBL is a very effective tool to create a comprehensive attitude in learner’s mind. Learning the second language is a bit tough then learning the mother tongue. Due to cultural difference it is a challenging for learner to utilize the language in proper way at proper place. The communicative competence should be achieved. Class room activity provides ground for it.
Learner can achieve the innate capacity to expressing meanings. They began to adjust and adopt I new way of thinking in target language. As he task covers all the activities which is done in the class; provides a driving force for language acquisition.
In one research Skehan argues that form based learning pedagogy inspires student to develop class room ‘dialect’ of their own. This dialect helps them to exchange meanings of their language. Their focus on communicative goals without learning language forms.
The purpose of the language based task is not that student on learner needs to reproduce the language which carries the same meaning. Actually when the learner tries to implied language in the task; they certainly adjust and adopt to enable conformity with the target norms. And they put language to use by Purposeful Communication.
Their aim in language use is to reproduce and create meaning system which they can operate rapidly and effectively in real time. But, the one drawback of the language learning task is when the learner adopt a new language and create meaning; they avoids the grammatical niceties and start too create themselves forms which are not sectioned by the norms of target language.
However, communicative talk is the basic and driving force of objectives suggested by Sachan for avoiding such situation.
1.     There is a need to focus on accuracy within a task based methodology.
2.     There is a critical focus on language form within the task based cycle.
No doubt, every student adopts different strategies and develop different meaning system.
Prabhu, a researcher emphasizes procedural syllabus. The objectives of syllabus are:
I)                  The role of the teacher is not to determine unilaterally how learning organized and sequenced but to consult learners and help them realize their own plan.
II)               Pabhu’s procedural approach deliberately avoids all forms on language. Students operation with the process syllabus,. However, may choose themselves focus explicitly on language form.

Prabhu argues that focus on language form actually inhibited language learning . education of this process suggests that the pedagogy used by the learners is very successful for the expected learning i.e. Prabhu’s learners were more successful.
 But there is also limitation of the Prabhu’s task, as-
4  It is thoroughly based on the need of the learner
4  It is less focused on the form of the language.
4  And most important it is not systematically design due to based on learner’s need.

There are basic skills which are greatly needed to develop for learning any language. The four kills are:
 These skills are effectively developed through tasks. There are traditional and conventional tasks to develop the skills. Tasks are well planned and designed to achieve the competence in the skills. Let’s see how different skills are developed through tasks in the detail.
Listening Skills:
Task: In traditional method the task is that to make groups of the learners and give them an audio of the target language and listen to them.
After that for the evaluation of their comprehension and coherence, the questionnaire based on the task is given to them for answer the question, after every listening practice.
This task help learner to cultivate a thorough understanding of the pronunciation and comprehension of the spoken language