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Friday 20 March 2015

Chetan Bhagat' ON@TCC (Review/Blogtask)

Chetan Bhagat' ON@TCC

1. Yes, In India it was the time when outsourcing and call centers were in trend & providing great opportunities of earning. The book ON@TCC reflects the time. It is more youth centric-a campus fiction. The characters are like peole around us. They are not from high class or unreal, but rather they are portrayed  as familier and common people and also depicted about their problems of daya to day life. 
Bhagat is keen observer of trends and find it is easy to present it as book and fictional form As he is reader centric , he presents such small matters that any common people can easily connect with it. The atmosphere he creates it quite similer to the atmosphere of call centers. It is the microcosm of the corporate culture developing in India. Not in Call centers but also in othe corporate sectors such exploitation and bossism is common practice. Honesty is considered as sycophancy and creative ideas are laughed at. This is expressed in the novel.

Bhagat is keen observer of trends and find it is easy to present it as book and fictional form As he is reader centric , he presents such small matters that any common people can easily connect with it. The atmosphere he creates it quite similer to the atmosphere of call centers. It is the microcosm of the corporate culture developing in India. Not in Call centers but also in othe corporate sectors such exploitation and bossism is common practice. Honesty is considered as sycophancy and creative ideas are laughed at. This is expressed in the novel. Yes , the way developed countries are soking the blood of Indian Youth by breaking the confidence or violant opposition for Indian youth as outsider Chetan has captured very relavent image of it in his this book. Pressurized IIMeatians are presenting in his books in one or another way.
 His books are popular with the easy language and current issues. He touches the minor things of life at surficial level rather than in depth.

2. His book can be considered as mannipean satire. In the Harold Pinter’s play ‘The Birthday Party’,  presenting the issues and problems in a humorous way with some sarcastic remarks. Same way issues are presented here. The underneath bitterness towards the sycophancy, bossism and American racial mindsets. To look at the people of developing country in derogative way is criticised indirectly. He knowingly or unknowingly wants to reestablish the spiritual faith of every Indians in God or Godlike things.

3. It is true that globalization  makes the world is becoming ‘flat’, and the developing countries are getting richer. The world is getting Flat id the Friedman Phenomenon, which suggest the increasing connectivity of the world and also the progress of the world is there. The opportunities of jobs and self-development are there. But for that one has to ruin the soul is not at all the enough cost to be paid!!! This point is directly pointed out by Bhagat.
4. The re is alternate narrative. Bhaget used ancient technique of prologue and epilogue as the part of fiction. There is first person narrative but after some chapter the writer changes his voice and speaks as Shyam
 Dues ex machine is the technique which scopes the alternate narrative. God’s call suggest something magical and amazing event. It brings hope. It is very Indian archetype which accept and expect the Godly presence in very critical situation. Yel Martine in Life of PI uses this technique. If the reader cannot connect then there would be alternative. One can put the character from the work and re-read it.
Yes it is the dream sequence of the writer. But in the dream if you see such a long story, one cannot remember it and it is impossible to have dream in such a good sequence!!! If the lady is not any character in the story then how she knows story in such a perfect way!!! If she is the writer, she can write story by herself. So one probability is that writer  wants us to believe in God.  It was none other but GOD..
5. Yes, I do agree, that Popular literature commonly lacks a sustained plot, worked out with close regard to cause and effect.Still more characteristically it lacks the study of character and the intellectual analysis of such varied problems as occupy the fiction of the present age.
The popular romances lay their stress chiefly on incident and adventure or simple intrigue, and set forth only the more familiar and accepted moral teachings.They represent, on the whole, an instinctive or traditional, rather than a highly reflective, philosophy of li  For all these reasons they have come to be regarded chiefly as the literature of children; a natural result, perhaps, of the fact that they originated largely in the childhood of civilization or among the simple peoples in more advanced ages.    It does not raise or answer abstract questions; it assumes that man knows what he needs to know in order to live.
6. It Is self help book as Bhagat has put some questioned in the prologue and also some rules in the mouth of God. They are relevant to solving personal problem specially when people are forgetting to listen their inner voice in the time of capitalization.
7. It is anti-American Novel.  I will answer that improve the Indianness in You. The knowledge of Ayurveda,  the knowledge of spirituality and Yoga must be  set forth and recommend to strengthen  the physic as well as intellect by avoiding Junks and be safe from the unseen chains of America as much as possible. 

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