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Sunday 22 March 2015

Da vinci Code (Review/Blog task)

1. Brown never wants to depict the anti-religion or anti-Christian book. He just writes another possibility of the pre-established religious belief. The response he had got from the society is the healthier one. There is the space of spiritual debate and movie adaptions.
2. The story is obviously fictional but the story line, name of some characters are inspired from the real facts and persons. If we can see the other side of the religion and emergence of Christian religion then this storyline cannot be neglected.
3. In Pradise Lost or, Da Vinci Code, woman is considered as substitute of Man. Due to her man has to suffer. She constantly needs protection etc matters are presented. But today when woman is showing her strength, and the killing of woman foeticide is increasing it is more appealing to youth that woman is the true Creator of man , it is woman who  can contains the Royal Blood,  and carry forward the blood line.
4. The narration like Paradise Lost leads humanity to believe one person’s ideas about woman.  Any narration is strong enough to change the social taboos and dos and don’ts. Eve is such a character whose portrayal puts question on every woman’s intentions and to her as marginal identity. I want to give example of the Sanskrit poem ‘ GeetGovind’ poem by a Jaydev and now the whole world consider Radha Krishna as great lovers. Da Vinci Code certainly hurts the social feelings about the religion but it also stands as challenging viewpoint of meta narratives. It is necessary in today’s globalising world.

5. In Hamlet by Kenneth Branagh the character of ‘Ophilia’ is quietly dependable on Hamlet and also firm about whom she love. But that firmness of mind proves dangerous for her. She is fragile and gorgeous. In Frenkenstine by the dsame director, Elizabeth’ is merely a substitute and viewer for the Victor. She is more at the receiver side. While in Da Vinci Code the characterisation of Sophie Nevue is quite different. As independent woman she emerges and a grace – womanish grace can be seen also when Langdon and Teabing informed her about the Holy Grail, Mary Magdalene, at that time she is merely a receiver but not losing her own stand as a person. She is persona rather then a woman in the movie with the Grace and honour.
6. There are Hindu myths and symbols, which can be read as many ways. The spirituality of Creative process is accepted. Feminine and mesculine power has given equal importance. The Linga of Lord Shiva is human phallic symbol and Ardhanaisvar is the union of Masculinity feminine.  The crarvings on Ajanta Elora caves suggests the openness of Hindu Culture.  We can coonect here the Pagan religion. The similarities can be found in Gods and Goddesses too.
7. I want to recall Windi Donger’s book ‘The Hindu’. But due to social sensitivity, the book is banned in India. There are many serials related to Hindu religion but none challenge the metanarratives.
8. Yes, when we do atheist reading , we can see the Leigh Teabing’s character as protagonist.
9. A) Identifying what is Knowable: The truth about Holy Grail and existence of Sacred Bloodline;
       B) Relationship of the knower and known:
         i) Robert Langdon: professor of symbolism and reading the symbols by Sauniere help Sophie
         ii) leigh teabing: Wants to destroy Holy Grail
        iii) Bezu Fetch: to catch the murderer
        iv) Sophie: Wants to know the truth and solve the puzzle by her grandfather
        v) Silas: to follow the orders given by Teacher.
C) Knowledge Down upon the right person at right time, right, place. Otherwise three may be good intellect but connecting dots ifs the problem, and when person actually know something s/he tends to hide it rather preserve it for right person. We can say that knowledge chooses the person.

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