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Tuesday 24 March 2015

Waiting For Godot (Blog Task /Review)

  • The Setting:

In this setting, as we have discussed in the class; is highly inspired by these paintings. These paintings shows hope about something good to be happen. The painting has been drawn during the romantic era. In first painting, one man and one woman are there. We connote it as if they are waiting to be something creative and positive to be happen while in the second picture, two man are longing with hopefor something meaningful and positive to be happen. The nothingness which depicted in the play can easily presents in the picture with few strokes.

  • Important Thing:

The tree symbolizes the cross on which the Jesus was hanged. Cross is the sign of purity, sacrifice and religion. The tree is suggesting the presence of God and both the characters presents the two persons who crucified with Jesus. Indirectly it suggest that both are at the end of their life span(as they are old) and willing for salvation.
 In the Act II tree suggests the indifference of the universe and Nature towards the existence of human being, although it is one kind of spices on the Earth called Homosepians. Thee is despair, grief and nothingness in human’s monotonous life. Nature has not to do with it and it follows it’s own cycle of flourishing.

  • Night Fall & Moon Appears:

Actually they are waiting for Godot. But Godot never come. The waiting is useless and continuous.  The night suggests that life is nothing. And there will be another day to wait. It also symbolizes that salvation is not going to happen and moon brings hope that there would be the day when Godot will come.

  • Debris:

Debris means the wastage of collapsed buildings. Here I want to connect the poem by T. S Eliot ‘The waste Land’. Debris suggest the failure of materialistic world in human beings life to add meaning into it.  It helps to cut the time, engaged us in various entertaining activities but at the end of the day it has no worth. The setting of the play speaks more then words.

This blog is the response of this Worksheet.

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